Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tinkering: Worthwhile Reads

If you look to the right, you'll notice I've added two new sections to this blog: Worthwhile Reads and Good Reads. The first is through Google Reader, and the second is through WidgetBox. Google Reader allows you to share selected items from your various daily reads list while the widget pulls all the items from whatever RSS feed you select (in this case, one that aggregates Venture Capital items).

I'll keep experimenting with each in order to (a) hopefully provide some interesting/useful items and (b) explore how or if they might work on the final Referral Union site once it's launched.

If you'd like to use either of these, click the links above. They were both rather painless to set up once I figured out RSS feeds (almost all news sites support them now). WidgetBox has its own cache of supported feeds (about 1000 at the moment). While you're at it, sign up for my feed!

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